I hope you don’t mind but today’s mini post is a quick reminder about my Brontë talk at the online Felixstowe Book Festival’s book club – tonight from 7.30pm to 8.30pm. It’s completely free, and I’d love to see you there.
I’ll be talking about my book Crave The Rose: Anne Brontë At 200 and about how to write a work of non-fiction, but mostly I’ll be talking about Anne, her novels and her siblings. The first part of this session will be me taking questions from Liz Rastrick, after which I will take questions from people viewing via Zoom.
If you want to watch via Zoom you can join at half past seven using meeting ID: 858 5444 7275 or use the following link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85854447275 You should also be able to watch via the Felixstowe Book Festival’s Facebook page, but you won’t be able to ask questions live if you use this method.

We’ll be celebrating the 200th anniversary of Anne Brontë’s birthday, so feel free to have a slice of cake to hand – I’m just about to bake one myself. No doubt I’ll also mention Anne’s brother Branwell Brontë – and it’s his 203rd birthday today! I leave you with this poem by Branwell – if you can join me tonight that would be great, although I know how busy we all are now, and I will be back with another full length post on Sunday. Here is Branwell’s ‘The Results of Sorrow’ written under his pen name of Northangerland, with his touching last line: “A tortured heart will make a tyrant mind”:
Such a great initiative. I would love to connect, but today I’m participating in the last session of a local radio: “Estudio Estudio Oculto” and I can’t miss it. But if you record it I would watch it later on. I really enjoy your weekly posts. Congratulations for your work!
Thank you Alicia, and enjoy the radio session!
Thank you will try very hard to go on line and follow you I love your posts and nice to see a letter wrote by Bramwell my favourite Bronte is Emily i admire very much
Hello Nick,
I attended last night’s talk. It was very interesting and it was good to see so many people joining.
It was for me the first time that I attended a Brontë talk in this way. But I enjoyed it. Thanks for sharing your knowledge and experience with us. Kind regards. Marina
Thank you very much for your kind words Marina!